well i guess we are all on our way to getting better, thank goodness. sophie is still sleeping a lot and still won't drink any pedialyte, but she will drink water (especially with a splash of gatorade in it... :). she still has diarhhea but not too bad anymore.
this morning dwayne went to rent a carpet cleaner (because now in addition to melted ice cream and mashed up bananas there is also baby throw up and diarrhea in our carpet) and instead he BOUGHT a steam carpet cleaner. so we cleaned all the carpet in the house... it was so gross! every time we changed the water it was almost black with all the dirt. sheesh, we've only lived here for 3 months, that can't all be from us can it? but now it's all clean.
and i've been doing homework like crazy trying to catch up from my "spring break" that i didnt' really have in the first place...
March 30, 2008
March 29, 2008
icky sicklies
sophie and dwayne and i are all sick. it sucks. sophie got it first on thursday, she was throwing up and has had diarrhea since, then yesterday morning i was sick and by the afternoon dwayne was too. now sophie and i are trying to recover and dwayne is still sleeping because he keeps feeling better and then eating too much and then making himself sick again. silly boy.
yesterday sophie fell asleep in the middle of the living room, twice - once she was sitting up playing with a toy and fell asleep and just leaned over with her butt in the air and slept like that for almost half an hour. dwayne put her down for a "nap" last night at 6:30 and she slept until 7:30 this morning and didn't even wet her diaper, poor baby is dehydrated but i can't for the life of me get any pedialyte into her. she hates it.
yesterday sophie fell asleep in the middle of the living room, twice - once she was sitting up playing with a toy and fell asleep and just leaned over with her butt in the air and slept like that for almost half an hour. dwayne put her down for a "nap" last night at 6:30 and she slept until 7:30 this morning and didn't even wet her diaper, poor baby is dehydrated but i can't for the life of me get any pedialyte into her. she hates it.
March 17, 2008
happy st. patrick's day
yes, sophie and i are wearing green. and i'm roasting potatoes right now for lunch, and we're having vegetable stew for dinner. all in the irish spirit, of course. today is my first weekly home blessing since i've been attempting to fly and i guess it's going well. i'm certainly not doing it all in one hour! so far i've swept and mopped the kitchen, bathroom, and entryway, done the household laundry and now i'm washing our bedding. now i just have to vaccuum and dust, probably won't do that last one though. for one i don't even own a duster, and two i don't really have anything to dust. the rock we picked up at red rock canyon? (it's sitting on our mantlepiece... don't ask me why, it was dwayne's idea).
but the big news of the day is...
well, she took two steps. she took a couple wobbly ones last night too. i'm sad to say i didn't witness the event this morning, i was about to get into the shower and dwayne came running in with sophie yelling that she walked to him.
pretty exciting!
but the big news of the day is...
well, she took two steps. she took a couple wobbly ones last night too. i'm sad to say i didn't witness the event this morning, i was about to get into the shower and dwayne came running in with sophie yelling that she walked to him.
pretty exciting!
March 13, 2008
ginger tea
i made ginger tea last night with just the powdered ginger i had in the kitchen, but it seems to be working... sophie and i already went for a quick walk this morning and cleaned the kitchen and i even ate breakfast before lunchtime. the tea tastes nasty but if it works that's all i care about! here's the recipe:
1 cup water - bring to boil in a small pot
1 tablespoon ginger - add to boiling water and boil for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and add
1 teaspoon honey - stir to dissolve.
i just poured it into a nalgene and have been sipping it all morning.
dwayne had to be at work at 3:30 in the morning today to do a 8 mile march with their big rucksacs on and everything.
doesn't sound fun to me!
1 cup water - bring to boil in a small pot
1 tablespoon ginger - add to boiling water and boil for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and add
1 teaspoon honey - stir to dissolve.
i just poured it into a nalgene and have been sipping it all morning.
dwayne had to be at work at 3:30 in the morning today to do a 8 mile march with their big rucksacs on and everything.
doesn't sound fun to me!
March 10, 2008
10,000 b.c.
we went to a movie last night with some of dwaynes friends - 10,000 BC. it was pretty good... it started at 6:30 so it wasn't too late for ms. sophie even though she was a little bit fussy. the previews for it made it look different, with more prehistoric cool creatures and stuff. but it was still good.
i think the time change has really thrown sophie for a loop. it's only an hour so you wouldn't think it would, but she refused to take any naps yesterday and i just put her down for a nap but i can hear her in there talking. she has been sleeping through the night again though, thank goodness! i'm so tired lately that i couldn't handle it if she kept waking up.
yesterday we went on an adventure at seven falls - it was pretty cool, but most of the trails were closed for the winter still. we went up some stairs to the waterfall and it was hard work! my legs are sore today! i made dwayne carry sophie :)... here are some pictures:

well i just went and got sophie out of her crib, she wouldn't take a nap. but she just now started waving at dwayne!! it's so cute!
i think the time change has really thrown sophie for a loop. it's only an hour so you wouldn't think it would, but she refused to take any naps yesterday and i just put her down for a nap but i can hear her in there talking. she has been sleeping through the night again though, thank goodness! i'm so tired lately that i couldn't handle it if she kept waking up.
yesterday we went on an adventure at seven falls - it was pretty cool, but most of the trails were closed for the winter still. we went up some stairs to the waterfall and it was hard work! my legs are sore today! i made dwayne carry sophie :)... here are some pictures:

well i just went and got sophie out of her crib, she wouldn't take a nap. but she just now started waving at dwayne!! it's so cute!
March 08, 2008
so to get 120g of protein in a day it went something like this...
breakfast - 3 scrambled eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast
then a protein drink with soy milk - tastes nasty
then a turkey sandwich on whole wheat and some almonds
and another protein drink... i put double the powder in this one
dinner - whole wheat lasagna
and then i had to eat a few handfuls of soy nuts for the last like 10g of protein.
i haven't been keeping as close track as that anymore though, i just follow that basic routine and try to drink at least one protein drink a day. otherwse it's just too much work counting up every little gram of protein all day...
we are going to have a picnic lunch somewhere today, dwayne already made lunch and it's in the fridge ready to go - he took a loaf of french bread and made a big subway-style sandwich.
breakfast - 3 scrambled eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast
then a protein drink with soy milk - tastes nasty
then a turkey sandwich on whole wheat and some almonds
and another protein drink... i put double the powder in this one
dinner - whole wheat lasagna
and then i had to eat a few handfuls of soy nuts for the last like 10g of protein.
i haven't been keeping as close track as that anymore though, i just follow that basic routine and try to drink at least one protein drink a day. otherwse it's just too much work counting up every little gram of protein all day...
we are going to have a picnic lunch somewhere today, dwayne already made lunch and it's in the fridge ready to go - he took a loaf of french bread and made a big subway-style sandwich.
March 05, 2008
i did it!
i consumed 120g of protein today!
it was a stretch though.
probably won't be able to pull it off everyday.
it was a stretch though.
probably won't be able to pull it off everyday.
March 04, 2008
baby stuff
already?? dwayne thinks i'm crazy. but check out this awesome thing someone made that i just won on ebay:
it's a wool soaker sleepsack.... that means it's a diaper cover (it's lanolized) and a sleepsack in one. pretty much the coolest thing ever.
we met with the midwife today, her name is dana and she seems really cool. i have my first official prenatal visit on march 31.
now sophie and i are going to brave the wind and walk to the store to get protein shake powder (pregnant women are supposed to get 120g of protein a DAY!), liquid iron, liquid chlorophyll, and envelopes. haha kind of a strange grocery list i guess.
or maybe we'll wait until dwayne gets home and then we'll drive... the wind is really whipping out there and sophie's poor little cheeks get windburned so bad.
here is a picture of the twin giraffes nursing from yesterday:

we met with the midwife today, her name is dana and she seems really cool. i have my first official prenatal visit on march 31.
now sophie and i are going to brave the wind and walk to the store to get protein shake powder (pregnant women are supposed to get 120g of protein a DAY!), liquid iron, liquid chlorophyll, and envelopes. haha kind of a strange grocery list i guess.
or maybe we'll wait until dwayne gets home and then we'll drive... the wind is really whipping out there and sophie's poor little cheeks get windburned so bad.
here is a picture of the twin giraffes nursing from yesterday:

March 03, 2008
crazy things
sophie has a new tooth!! now she has three, two on the bottom and the new one on the upper right. i guess that explains why she's been cranky the past few days.
it's nice out today again - yesterday it snowed, but the day before that it was 80 degrees out. colorado has crazy weather.
we're feeling loved today, well there was the package from our baby friends on saturday, and today i got an envelope in the mail from the midwife i'm meeting tomorrow that had a new issue of mothering magazine which i LOVE, and i got two letters from my friend sydney who might be coming to visit us easter weekend or the weekend after, and then out of the blue i got a phone call from my pediatrician in juneau (well, old pediatrician) asking how sophie was doing. before we left juneau she was failure to thrive but she's doing well and gaining weight now on formula.
i'm totally behind on my homework, i have a big paper to write for my history of midwifery class that i just can't seem to get started.
but we went to the zoo this morning and that was fun - it was cold up there though! it's up on the side of the mountain. we fed giraffes and petted them, and we saw twin baby giraffes nursing from their mama. it looked uncomfortable. we heard a lion roaring a whole bunch, and one of the lionesses growled at us because the guys (dwayne and esparza) were waving their arms at her. they had cubs too.
i went on an ebay bidding spree last night while dwayne played guitar hero (better than half life i guess), and i won 6 maternity shirts for like $10, got some slow-flow nipples for the bottles i have, some more cloth baby wipes, and three newborn size diaper covers. still waiting on some more cool things.
here is a picture of sophie's cute little butt:
it's nice out today again - yesterday it snowed, but the day before that it was 80 degrees out. colorado has crazy weather.
we're feeling loved today, well there was the package from our baby friends on saturday, and today i got an envelope in the mail from the midwife i'm meeting tomorrow that had a new issue of mothering magazine which i LOVE, and i got two letters from my friend sydney who might be coming to visit us easter weekend or the weekend after, and then out of the blue i got a phone call from my pediatrician in juneau (well, old pediatrician) asking how sophie was doing. before we left juneau she was failure to thrive but she's doing well and gaining weight now on formula.
i'm totally behind on my homework, i have a big paper to write for my history of midwifery class that i just can't seem to get started.
but we went to the zoo this morning and that was fun - it was cold up there though! it's up on the side of the mountain. we fed giraffes and petted them, and we saw twin baby giraffes nursing from their mama. it looked uncomfortable. we heard a lion roaring a whole bunch, and one of the lionesses growled at us because the guys (dwayne and esparza) were waving their arms at her. they had cubs too.
i went on an ebay bidding spree last night while dwayne played guitar hero (better than half life i guess), and i won 6 maternity shirts for like $10, got some slow-flow nipples for the bottles i have, some more cloth baby wipes, and three newborn size diaper covers. still waiting on some more cool things.
here is a picture of sophie's cute little butt:

March 02, 2008
baby friends
we got a package in the mail the other day from our baby-parent group friends at home! it was the most awesome thing ever. lorna, my midwife, sent some of her homemade beeswax diaper rash balm, and rosie made sophie a bib and everyone signed it, and keegan painted a picture frame with a picture of sophie at our last play date before we left... and there was a ball! dashel, the oldest baby in our group, was the first one to get these awesome balls, and he was the envy of all the other babies. then keegan found them for her baby sierra, and they come in four packs so dashel gave some of his balls (they were blue) to the other boys, and now sierra gave sophie one of her pink ones. she was ecstatic to see it! they also sent some alaskan soap company soap and some fudge company chocolate covered espresso beans... it totally made our day! more like week - we're missing all our friends back home now!

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