5:00am: dwayne leaves. i go back to sleep.
6:00am: sophie wakes up. i bring her back to bed with me to nurse and cuddle.
7:00am: we get up. sophie plays on the floor. i do dishes. sophie eats her 'breakfast bottle'.
8:00am: dwayne comes home, takes a shower. we eat breakfast. dwayne leaves. sophie and i brush our teeth.
9:30am: sophie has a bottle and takes a nap. i take a shower and start homework.
11:00am: sophie wakes up. start laundry, play. start making lunch.
12:00pm: dwayne comes home. we eat lunch, sophie has a bottle and eats some food. i do dishes. sophie and i brush our teeth.
2:00pm: sophie has a bottle and takes a nap. i do more homework.
3:30pm: sophie wakes up. fold laundry. play.
4:30pm: dwayne and his friend esparza come home.
5:30pm: start making dinner. sophie has a bottle.
6:30pm: eat dinner. sophie eats some food. i do dishes.
7:30pm: sophie has a bottle and puts her pajamas on. dwayne goes to bed. sophie and i brush our teeth.
8:00pm: sophie goes to bed. i go to bed.
how boring is that? at least sophie sleeps through the night now.
here is a picture of dwayne and sophie from the other night:

i took pictures of sophie in her prettly little dress my mom made for her this morning, i'm sure they'll show up on her blog very soon, check it out.
Hi there sophie's mom.
Sounds like you have a fun filled day and you are adjusting to CO.
check out grannysfullcloset.blogspot.com that is me....
That sounds like a great day to me!
Thanks so much for pictures of Sophie, yes that picture is already on my blog!
You should sign up for the easter basket swap, it will be fun!
Sure miss you guys.
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