so we were driving along - dwayne, esparza, sophie and i - academy and we saw dwayne and esparza's friend clark driving just ahead of us. so, they honk at him, and he speeds up. dwayne chases him. not a good idea... all of a sudden he switched lanes and right in front of us there was a car going about 30mph (we were going maybe 55). so dwayne swerved, but a truck in the other lane sped up so we couldn't go that way. so he swerved again, lost control by this point, and we hit the curb and the car rolled sideways, and then somehow we flipped completely around and landed facing the opposite direction that we were going. no one was hurt, we all walked away from it with just some bruises and sore muscles. it was crazy scary though. we took sophie to the er on post just to make sure she was fine (she was acting fine but the paramedics said to take her in just in case), and had to wait almost 5 hours to get seen. it was ridiculous. everybody else in there was just in for a cough or cold. never go to the evans army hospital emergency room. but sophie checked out fine, and we went home - to find that our house had been broken into. when it rains it pours, right? there's more. nothing was taken but it was creepy because they came in through our attic crawl space in our bedroom. so, we go to bed finally, and the next morning i was supposed to get my period, and i hadn't, so i took a pregnancy test - I'M PREGNANT! - oh my gosh. and a cop came that morning to investigate the break-in (he didn't find anything). and then our dryer broke. and then i cut my finger down to the bone chopping onions for breakfast.
so. dwayne's precious vehicross is dead (totalled), we got a used car the other day so we do have wheels which is good. and i'm pregnant! i'm meeting with a homebirth midwife next week.
February 28, 2008
February 23, 2008
sunny colorado
it still hasn't rained since we've been here, over a month now. it's really weirding me out. it feels like a juneau summer, but i have to keep reminding myself that it's february. crazy. it is nice though, sophie and i (and dwayne when i can drag him along) have been going for walks almost every day. there is a grocery store a couple blocks down the street and there's a park right down the street also. sophie likes going on walks, she's big enough to ride in her ergo on my back instead of on my front so she can actually see what's going on now. here's a picture of her after we got back from a walk - she doesn't look too happy about the situation haha:

i love my ergo baby carrier! thanks go out to grandma marianne for that one.

i love my ergo baby carrier! thanks go out to grandma marianne for that one.
February 21, 2008
new in the lives of kathryn, dwayne, and sophie:
1. dwayne can no longer be deployed because of his hearing, so he is re-enlisting and we're not sure right now where we're going to go or when or for how long.
2. dwayne got a desktop computer, where the internet and my homework now live, and where he plays the stupid game "half-life 2" alll the time and it drives me crazy.
3. burt's bees is no longer a trusted brand - i put the baby bee beeswax lotion on sophie sunday after her bath and her skin broke out in a rash that is still there, 4 days later now.
4. sophie was diagnosed with excema after waiting 2 freaking hours just to talk with a nurse for less than 5 minutes.
5. i am putting steroid drops in my eyes (still), taking oral steroids, in a week i might have to get steroids injected behind my eyes, and i'm waiting to get in to see a rheumatologist to figure out what the heck is wrong with me.
6. sophie crawls... big time....
7. i made zucchini-apple muffins this morning that were bomb, i used the recipe from jane brody's good food book and did half apple half zuchhini. it is:
3/4 c. whole wheat flour
3/4 c. white flour
1/2 c. sugar
1 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/4 t. salt
1 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. nutmeg
1/4 t. cloves
2 eggs
6 T. vegetable oil
1 1/4 c. grated unpeeled zucchini (or apple or both)
1 t. vanilla extract
350 degree oven for almost 30 minutes.
dwayne is not pleased that my insistence on eating meals together as a family is spilling over to breakfast now and not just dinner. he would rather just boil himself two eggs and eat them with hotsauce standing up at the kitchen sink. i think that number one, hard-boiled eggs are not a breakfast food, and two that he should be glad that his wife gets up and makes him breakfast. sheesh.
1. dwayne can no longer be deployed because of his hearing, so he is re-enlisting and we're not sure right now where we're going to go or when or for how long.
2. dwayne got a desktop computer, where the internet and my homework now live, and where he plays the stupid game "half-life 2" alll the time and it drives me crazy.
3. burt's bees is no longer a trusted brand - i put the baby bee beeswax lotion on sophie sunday after her bath and her skin broke out in a rash that is still there, 4 days later now.
4. sophie was diagnosed with excema after waiting 2 freaking hours just to talk with a nurse for less than 5 minutes.
5. i am putting steroid drops in my eyes (still), taking oral steroids, in a week i might have to get steroids injected behind my eyes, and i'm waiting to get in to see a rheumatologist to figure out what the heck is wrong with me.
6. sophie crawls... big time....
7. i made zucchini-apple muffins this morning that were bomb, i used the recipe from jane brody's good food book and did half apple half zuchhini. it is:
3/4 c. whole wheat flour
3/4 c. white flour
1/2 c. sugar
1 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/4 t. salt
1 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. nutmeg
1/4 t. cloves
2 eggs
6 T. vegetable oil
1 1/4 c. grated unpeeled zucchini (or apple or both)
1 t. vanilla extract
350 degree oven for almost 30 minutes.
dwayne is not pleased that my insistence on eating meals together as a family is spilling over to breakfast now and not just dinner. he would rather just boil himself two eggs and eat them with hotsauce standing up at the kitchen sink. i think that number one, hard-boiled eggs are not a breakfast food, and two that he should be glad that his wife gets up and makes him breakfast. sheesh.
February 18, 2008
garden of the gods
February 12, 2008
wedding pictures!
February 10, 2008
bad mommy
first there was the gallon tub of cookies-n-cream ice cream we bought on an impulse.
then there was the freezer that had no room in it. then the last bit of freezer-burned ice cream. then the full garbage can.
so, we set the garbage by the door to take out later, and we set the tub of melted ice cream next to it.
dwayne took out the garbage. he didn't take the ice cream with him.
and then sophie was playing on the floor while i did dishes.
all of a sudden she got very quiet.
.... and this is what i saw:

don't worry mom, the dress came clean.
then there was the freezer that had no room in it. then the last bit of freezer-burned ice cream. then the full garbage can.
so, we set the garbage by the door to take out later, and we set the tub of melted ice cream next to it.
dwayne took out the garbage. he didn't take the ice cream with him.
and then sophie was playing on the floor while i did dishes.
all of a sudden she got very quiet.
.... and this is what i saw:

don't worry mom, the dress came clean.
February 08, 2008
extra ordinary
this is my day:
5:00am: dwayne leaves. i go back to sleep.
6:00am: sophie wakes up. i bring her back to bed with me to nurse and cuddle.
7:00am: we get up. sophie plays on the floor. i do dishes. sophie eats her 'breakfast bottle'.
8:00am: dwayne comes home, takes a shower. we eat breakfast. dwayne leaves. sophie and i brush our teeth.
9:30am: sophie has a bottle and takes a nap. i take a shower and start homework.
11:00am: sophie wakes up. start laundry, play. start making lunch.
12:00pm: dwayne comes home. we eat lunch, sophie has a bottle and eats some food. i do dishes. sophie and i brush our teeth.
2:00pm: sophie has a bottle and takes a nap. i do more homework.
3:30pm: sophie wakes up. fold laundry. play.
4:30pm: dwayne and his friend esparza come home.
5:30pm: start making dinner. sophie has a bottle.
6:30pm: eat dinner. sophie eats some food. i do dishes.
7:30pm: sophie has a bottle and puts her pajamas on. dwayne goes to bed. sophie and i brush our teeth.
8:00pm: sophie goes to bed. i go to bed.
how boring is that? at least sophie sleeps through the night now.
here is a picture of dwayne and sophie from the other night:

i took pictures of sophie in her prettly little dress my mom made for her this morning, i'm sure they'll show up on her blog very soon, check it out.
5:00am: dwayne leaves. i go back to sleep.
6:00am: sophie wakes up. i bring her back to bed with me to nurse and cuddle.
7:00am: we get up. sophie plays on the floor. i do dishes. sophie eats her 'breakfast bottle'.
8:00am: dwayne comes home, takes a shower. we eat breakfast. dwayne leaves. sophie and i brush our teeth.
9:30am: sophie has a bottle and takes a nap. i take a shower and start homework.
11:00am: sophie wakes up. start laundry, play. start making lunch.
12:00pm: dwayne comes home. we eat lunch, sophie has a bottle and eats some food. i do dishes. sophie and i brush our teeth.
2:00pm: sophie has a bottle and takes a nap. i do more homework.
3:30pm: sophie wakes up. fold laundry. play.
4:30pm: dwayne and his friend esparza come home.
5:30pm: start making dinner. sophie has a bottle.
6:30pm: eat dinner. sophie eats some food. i do dishes.
7:30pm: sophie has a bottle and puts her pajamas on. dwayne goes to bed. sophie and i brush our teeth.
8:00pm: sophie goes to bed. i go to bed.
how boring is that? at least sophie sleeps through the night now.
here is a picture of dwayne and sophie from the other night:

i took pictures of sophie in her prettly little dress my mom made for her this morning, i'm sure they'll show up on her blog very soon, check it out.
February 07, 2008
take three
i'm pretty sure this is the third blog i've started in the past 12 months. hopefully i can manage to actually keep this one.
my name is kathryn. my daughter's name is sophie, my husband's name is dwayne, and we have a fish who as yet has no name. this is my mom. she lives in juneau, alaska, where i have lived almost all my life until now. dwayne is in the army and is stationed at fort carson, colorado - so i'm here in colorado springs.
colorado is pretty much the complete opposite of juneau. it does not rain. it is sunny every single day. there are roads everywhere. there are mountains in only one direction.
i suppose i'll get used to it eventually, probably by the time i'm about to leave to go back to juneau. oh well.
i'm going to school at midwives college of utah taking distance classes to become a midwife. in a year i'm going back to juneau to start apprenticing under the midwife i had for my daughter, and at the same time dwayne is getting deployed to afghanistan for 15 months. i'm not looking forward to that part of it.
last night dwayne's mom called and almost the first thing she asked him was, "so are you pregnant yet?" um, no. one high-needs baby is enough for me, thank you very much. i'll wait until she's at least a high-needs toddler.
although i have to say, now that she's taking in enough calories, she's mellowed out quite a bit. in fact she's taking her second nap of the day right now. the story is, she was exclusively breastfed until one week before she turned eight months - when she was labeled failure to thrive (she didn't gain any weight in 5 months), i tried everything there is to increase milk supply, nothing worked, and we started formula. it's sad, but she's already gained almost 3 pounds in 3 weeks and is back on the weight charts. which is good. for both of us.
my name is kathryn. my daughter's name is sophie, my husband's name is dwayne, and we have a fish who as yet has no name. this is my mom. she lives in juneau, alaska, where i have lived almost all my life until now. dwayne is in the army and is stationed at fort carson, colorado - so i'm here in colorado springs.
colorado is pretty much the complete opposite of juneau. it does not rain. it is sunny every single day. there are roads everywhere. there are mountains in only one direction.
i suppose i'll get used to it eventually, probably by the time i'm about to leave to go back to juneau. oh well.
i'm going to school at midwives college of utah taking distance classes to become a midwife. in a year i'm going back to juneau to start apprenticing under the midwife i had for my daughter, and at the same time dwayne is getting deployed to afghanistan for 15 months. i'm not looking forward to that part of it.
last night dwayne's mom called and almost the first thing she asked him was, "so are you pregnant yet?" um, no. one high-needs baby is enough for me, thank you very much. i'll wait until she's at least a high-needs toddler.
although i have to say, now that she's taking in enough calories, she's mellowed out quite a bit. in fact she's taking her second nap of the day right now. the story is, she was exclusively breastfed until one week before she turned eight months - when she was labeled failure to thrive (she didn't gain any weight in 5 months), i tried everything there is to increase milk supply, nothing worked, and we started formula. it's sad, but she's already gained almost 3 pounds in 3 weeks and is back on the weight charts. which is good. for both of us.
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