
That's what I thought. But there must be more to it (or else I just shouldn't start projects at 10pm after my three-hour lecture class) because look at this.
Look closer, at that spot opposite from the needles.

It twists around itself. I knitted a mobius strip!
How the heck did I do that?? I have absolutely no idea, especially because I knitted what's up there in one sitting, without even putting the needles down at all.
This is the fourth time I have started this hat and screwed up somehow... maybe it's just not meant to be?
Does anyone know of a way to fix this? Or is it completely hopeless??
Hey Katheryn! That has happened to me sooo many times, I have always had to start over. I bet Rosie would know a way out though. Thanks for the great Halloween photos, they are know gracing our blog as well. AND, Happy Obama Day!! xoxo, Dawn (and Dash)
You are not completely hopeless. I've thought alot about this and this weekend when I casting on and beginning a baby hat I really paid attention to what I did so I could tell you.
So, after you've casted on all your stitches, take your right needle and knit into the first cast on stitch on your left needle. This will join the stitches. To avoid knitting a mobius strip as you call it, try and keep your stitches from twisting. After each row I knit in the beginning, I straighten all my stitches and try to untwist anything I've messed up.
Also something I've learned to watch for when knitting in the round is to make sure that your work is always "going up" from your needles, and not down. If it's going down, then you're knitting inside out - which is what I've done on several projects. Somehow even when I do knit inside out, the project turns out ok.
I hope this helps.
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