June 14, 2008


we got our electric bill and it was less than $50, not trying to brag or anything!
too bad its not clean energy.
we went to denver today, went to the aquarium again, the museum of natural history, and the zoo - will post pictures soon.


Expedition Escapes said...

see! told you the bill will be cheaper. I was amazed at ours--we only used 603 kilowatts, previous we used 745 and the month before that we used over 1100--so for the high month when the avalanche happened our bill was a little over 300.00. Not bad for us!

Wendy said...

We got our 'big' bill and it was only $80.00! Can you believe it?!
We used under 200 kilowatts!
Still amazed it wasn't a whole lot more ...