I really love this pattern, and I did end up only using one skein of the Aracaunia. It's a little on the short side, but totally do-able. It looks soo beautiful now that it's all blocked out! Just need to weave in the ends now.
I have been knitting like crazy - the other night I started a little sweater for either Sophie or Sierra (her best friend, I'm making them matching sweaters for Christmas), I cast on at around 9:00 and by 2:00am I had finished the body. It didn't help that I started watching Lie to Me for the first time online (I heard a rumor that there would be a crossover with Bones next season - I am completely addicted to Bones. It's bad.). One of the sleeves is finished now, and I hope to finish the second one tonight. I feel like I should be knitting as much as humanly possible before I start school again and have "real" obligations!